Yasmin Diniz

Yasmin Diniz dos Santos

foto atual da Yasmin

Who am I

Hello world, my name's Yasmin Diniz and actually I'm 23 years old. I was born and live in Santo André - SP and I'mlearning the website development's arts to grow both mentally and professionally. I've studied a month at Trybe's school, now I'm studying with Alura's school and recently I joined the Anhembi Morumbi University, I'm be studying Sistem's development and analysis.

During the course at Trybe I studied about Unix, Bash, Git and Github - small introductions to lead me to a greater knowledge of technologies - HTML and CSS. I am continuing my studies of HTML and CSS by Alura.

I have a basic knowledge of photoshop, canva and the Office package as a whole.

Lastly, if you click here you can acess the site I like the most about technology.



Soft skills that I'm proud

  1. Empathy
  2. Collaboration with different people
  3. Team sense
  4. Time management

Hard skills in development

  1. HTML - Intermediary
  2. CSS - Intermediary
  3. Git - Basic
  4. Github - Basic
  5. Unix - Basic
  6. Bash - Basic
  7. Inglês - Intermediary